
I am a Creativity Coach & Workshop Facilitator from London, UK and have lived a professional background in Consulting, Law & Financial Services.

Feeling something was missing, I uprooted my life to follow my inspiration to train in Gestalt Psychotherapy and relocate to Toronto. During my training, I merged into the world of startups, entrepreneurship and coaching.

I have completed over 1,500+ coaching sessions and 150+ workshops.  I am committed to my personal development journey and my passion is personal growth and healing through the creative process.

My clients are a mix of emerging and accomplished creatives, professionals and entrepreneurs who want to improve the quality of their lives through re-connection and self-discovery of themselves through new creative discoveries.

I have lived in China, USA, Costa Rica and Colombia.


My Creative Journey


I've always felt in my heart I had creative gifts to share with the world . From a young age, I loved creating art, reading sci-fi, horror and fantasy, writing and music.

Unfortunately my surroundings were not so nurturing, and I was led to believe that the arts interfere with the 'real' world of work.  Over the years, I began to suppress my creative outlets and essence.

When I was 19 I began to DJ professionally. This opened up a something in me and I experienced moments of true creative flow; my ego would dissolve and I would merge with the crowd and music.

This gave me a taste of my true creativity, yet deep down, I knew it was a mask for creating my own work. For years I buried a part of me which longed for expression yet was stuck, without support.

In 2013, I began psychotherapy training and through play and experimentation I discovered my creative wounds.  I had a profound experience when a classmate became my 'creative spirit' and helped me to open a creative block through art.  A seed was planted and I understood my creative force is part of my healing and growth.

This lay inside for me many years while I was in service of others through workshops, psychotherapy and coaching.  In 2017, I hit a long depression.  I made a decision that to truly live, I had to do what I feared the most - I needed to create.

After completing my coaching training in 2018, I left with a backpack in Jan 2019 for South America with no plan, no final destination, other than to rediscover myself.  Through a series of synchronicities, I met a travelling artist in Peru who invited me to an art residential and later connected me to a renowned visionary artist, who agreed to mentor me.

I decided to set base and with the support of an artistic community, I painted everyday and immersed myself in the process to improve my art. I found what I was searching for; my creative essence and the confidence to call myself an artist.

I came back to life with each stroke and found my missing piece was hiding in the creative process.  I believe creativity is one of the most powerful healers and ways to rediscover our true potential.

I hear people say they're not creative.  The truth is, whenever we do something different not tried before, it's creativity.  I'm driven to help people unlock their creative power to find new perspectives and freedom, whatever obstacles they may face.


My purpose it to help people reconnect to themselves through the creative process. 


✓ Gestalt Group Facilitation Certification - Gestalt Centre London
- 110 hours

  • Conflict, Challenge & Confrontation in Groups
  • Group Facilitation Training Intensive
  • Understanding Group Dynamics
  • Developing Effective Group Facilitation

✓ Gestalt Personal Development Certification - Gestalt Institute Toronto - 550 hours

  • Body Awareness
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Emotional Expressiveness
  • Understanding Group Function
  • Working with Resistance
  • Collaboration of Diversity
  • Inclusion in Groups

✓  Transformational Coaching Diploma from Animas Centre for Coaching
✓  Inner Child Healing Diploma, Passed with Distinction at Centre of Excellence
  100+ hours supervised Gestalt Coaching training at the Breakthrough Centre
  Essentials of Psychosynthesis at the Psychosynthesis Trust
✓  The Shaman's Pathway at the Sacred Trust
✓  Regularly attend retreats including Vipassana
✓  Reiki Level 1 Certification from Circle of One

✓  Legal Practice Course from College of Law
✓  LLB Law (Hons) from Queen Mary University, London

Interested in working with me? 

Book a free 45 minute Clarity Call today.

  Let's explore if we're the right collaboration.

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